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【雲上嶺南·葡语】Cimento a construir a "Estrada da Amizade China-Laos" 用水泥凝铸“中老友谊路”

来源: 西非在线  日期:2023-09-26 15:21:01  点击:7249 
【雲上嶺南·葡语】Cimento a construir a

【雲上嶺南·葡语】Cimento a construir a "Estrada da Amizade China-Laos" 用水泥凝铸“中老友谊路”

发布时间:2023-09-26 15:21:01

Da China ao Laos, da capital do Laos, Vientiane, à cidade de Luang Prabang, da fábrica de cimento nas montanhas profundas aos barcos de cruzeiro no rio Mekong... Deambulámos pelas ruas do Laos, apreciando as paisagens naturais, os templos antigos e a vida pacata dos habitantes locais, bem como a amizade entre a China e o Laos.

From China to Laos, from Laos's capital Vientiane to the Town of Luang Prabang, from the cement factory in the deep mountains to the cruise boats on the Mekong River... We wandered the streets of Laos, experiencing the natural scenery, ancient temples, and the leisurely life of the locals, as well as the friendship between China and Laos.


