No dia 10 de junho de 2023, realizou-se em Shatian, Dongguan, o "Dia do Património Cultural e Natural" de Guangdong (Dongguan) e o torneio "Dragon Boat Invitational" d AGB Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau (Guangdong). A equipa de barcos-dragão de Zhongtang, Guangdong, ganhou o campeonato no torneio. Vamos ver como a equipa campeã recebeu formação! #citylife
On June 10, 2023 Guangdong (Dongguan) “Cultural and Natural Heritage Day” and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA (Guangdong) Dragon Boat Invitational tournament was held in Shatian, Dongguan. The dragon boat team from Zhongtang, Guangdong won the championship at the tournament. Let's explore how the champion team has received training! #citylife
6月10日, “非遗潮未来·龙腾大湾区”2023年“文化和自然遗产日”广东主会场(东莞)暨粤港澳大湾区(广东)龙舟邀请赛在全国首个“龙舟之乡”东莞市沙田镇举行。在强手如林的东莞龙舟锦标赛赛场上,中堂镇龙舟队绝地反击,夺得冠军。他们的竞争力从何而来?让我们一起探访冠军队是如何一步一步炼成的!