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【雲上嶺南】Sterculia Lanceolata Cav in Guangzhou is Ripe 广州的假苹婆成熟了

来源: 西非在线  日期:2021-06-13 17:23:13  点击:697 

Beautiful red fruits hanging on the tree like flying butterflies, Sterculia Lanceolata Cav on the streets of Guangzhou has become an attractive scene. The flowers on the trees are large in number, but they are tiny in size and difficult to discover, so their florescence is often missed out on. The fruits of Sterculia Lanceolata Cav, however, are bright red, like flaming stars or the starfish in the ocean. Such an eye-catching plant will bring the enjoyment of beauty to whoever encounters it on the street, and early June is the best time to admire them.


